Some facts about Liechtenstein


Liechtenstein is a principality, which means that we have a prince who is ruling our country. On the picture you can see the castle in which our prince is living. What else is important is that Liechtenstein is a very small country. It is the 4th smallest country in the Europe and the 6th smallest country in the world.

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In the front we can see Switzerland and in the middle we see the river “Rhein”, which is the boundary between Switzerland and Liechtenstein. In the middle where you can see the mountains, that´s where Liechtenstein is. On this picture you can almost see the whole country.


Here you can see where Liechtenstein is located in Europe and we also have a bigger map of Liechtenstein on the right.


Often when I go abroad these are the things I hear about Liechtenstein, even if they are not true.

On the picture you can see the currency of Liechtenstein. We are not paying in Euros, but in Swiss Francs, because we are not part of the European Union.




In the upper corner you can see the national flag of Liechtenstein. The colors don´t have a special meaning but the crown symbolize that Liechtenstein is a principality.

Our national anthem has the same melody as the national anthem of the United Kingdom, we just have a different text.


Here you can find some words in my dialect.

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